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[Ban Appeal- Tardis Bridging] Willionaire37/jimthegenie [Denied; Temp Ban 72 Hours]

Original Thread Title: "ban appeal?......yup.... not deniying anything, i did that..... but im a model Galifrian now and yeah..."



Minecraft Username: jimthegenie

Location(which server): public dalak mod server

Description of the problem: i tardis bridged

What you were doing prior to the ban: helping people and talking to people

Why should you be unbanned: im a reformed galifrian and i wont do it again, also, as if as karma, soon after my tardis got accidently deleated by me with all of my stuff in it....and my credits... point being, i won't bridge anymore.

 He means format your thread so that its easier for staff on site to read, this is a ban appeal correct?

SWDTeam - Forums Click it to view the thread telling how to report and appeal. Your appeal as it is now won't do a thing. It's not even formatted.

What you were doing prior to the ban: helping people and talking to people

I banned you when you were offline so uh no you weren't...

=>  Why should you be unbanned: im a reformed galifrian and i wont do it again, also, as if as karma, soon after my tardis got accidently deleated by me with all of my stuff in it....and my credits... point being, i won't bridge anymore.

Any who. Your appeal is being denied and your ban will not be lifted early.
However seeing as how this is not a permanent ban will expire in 72 hours from 12pm (noon) EST 6/27

Like that's not the worst of it, you misspelled Gallifreyan.



Anyway, thread locked


Result: Denied

This thread has been locked.