if ure here it means ur baned if youre not dont get banned because last time i had a temp ban iwaited a year nothing i just got a nother one for the exact same reason
its a valid question so iff you had one tell me how long it is anyway if uve been on the public server recently tell me whats like ill be cak soon before tardis reset day on the 14
sir dude beta tester
Not sure if that's meant to be a compliment or sarcasm. Either way, don't ever call me that again, please.
that was supposed to be a compliment but imm trying to be respectin caus in my case i have to
First off, I spent three minutes trying to decypher this. Please write in proper English, not internet speak, or as some may say "retarded writing". I don't personally call it that.
Second, it should say on the login screen. "You have been temp banned for X days" for example.
If you actually have been banned for a year, which I doubt as it hasn't even been open that long, you should be unbanned.
umm now i was gone all year from 2015 after it was ealeased
50ap banned him again today.
im just a kid thats really exited to finally come back whooo hoo im back see you tomoroo on the plugin server buddy
Anyway here is what 50ap said on his profile today:
Your ban was temporary, we haven't stated that it was going to be one year long. Please reread my message.
You are not actually permanently banned; you can appeal with
actual reasons rather than spam.
Here it is again for reference: