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It appears that i am banned for notifying other users that they cannot put signs in the tardis park to reserve spots. I used their signs so they can retrieve it when they return. Please unban me.

Minecraft Username: youguess

Location(which server): Public

Description of the problem: Banned for replacing tardis reserve signs in the tardis park.

What you were doing prior to the ban: Banned for replacing tardis reserve signs in the tardis park.

Why should you be unbanned: Because it is against the rule to reserve. I was only trying telling them they can't do that. I used their signs so they can retrieve it.

Me and the other staff should talk about it but for now you still banned. I will tell you if you get unbanned or not.

Minecraft Username: youguess

Location(which server): Public

Description of the problem: Banned for replacing tardis reserve signs in the tardis park.

What you were doing prior to the ban: Banned for replacing tardis reserve signs in the tardis park.

Why should you be unbanned: Because it is against the rule to reserve. I was only trying telling them they can't do that. I used their signs so they can retrieve it.

 Who's tardis park was it?

You will be unbanned 24 hours from this point. 
You also grief'd blocks around and inside tardis parking.

uhhh I didn't. That is someone else. Unless you count the one where i mined the iron ores and replaced it with cobble stone. I mean it wasn't even a proper wall.

Exactly. Check it out. All i did was those two.

Exactly. Check it out. All i did was those two.

Welp, went right over your head. They checked the blocklogs, you did it. 

This thread has been locked.