Ace first of all. I DID NOT do the chalk boards. And you never said my ban would be less severe if I admitted. I didn't insult one bit. And for the other admin. I have a perm ban. It can't be any worse. Ace you're not being reasonable at all. You didn't say stop spamming.. And I wasn't.
Actually it could get worse. You could be IP-banned from the servers and have your account banned on the site and or IP-banned from the site. I suggest you drop it as your appeal was denied while you still have access to the site and the DM.
I have no other accounts. And this website isn't useful to me if I'm banned. The server is the best server that i've incountered. so I'm not going to stop wanting to be unbanned. (Who would?) I WILL NOT spam any staff members
The site is useful as that's where you get the official downloads of the DM. You would lose access to them. I'm not saying you can't want to get unbanned but you most likely won't as your appeal was denied.
That's clear to me. I just want to be. This server always brightened my day up so I really would like access to it again. The griefing was not like me at all. I'm a very calm player I just wasn't having a good day...
Not a good reason to grief and break the rules. If you're having a bad day then don't go on or get off if you get too pissed off that way you don't break the rules and get banned. You did the grief you get the consequences. Next time maybe think and use common sense as that should say the if I grief this I'll likely get caught and banned, probably shouldn't do it if I love playing on this server.
A perma ban is a perma ban, beg all you want you wont be unbanned the Admins have given you you're sentence you will not be unbanned!
i'm not gonna grief again
You're right you won't. You're not gonna be unbanned.
Repeated twice. Thanks guys. Great community. And I've seen way worse griefing and they only got a 24 hour ban.
I know that's the one thing I find unfair though. I've seen whole buildings griefed and they get 24-48 hour bans. But then taking into account the fact of the dicks and the abusing of staff that's probably why it's permanent.
It is a great community however you have been a pretty bad stain on this community lately, you are perma banned accept it, you wont be unbanned, please show yourself out!
Dude you would make a fuss if you got banned. So don't talk to people being rude if you're gonna be the same way.