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Is This A DM Problem or a Laptop Problem?

I cannot use any other mod with the dalek mod, else the console room blocks become jumbled, and every time i create a 1963 or TT Capsule TARDIS, it spawns with a default interior.  When i log unto DMU, it works perfectly fine, because DMU only allows the Dalek Mod. Does anyone else have this problem? if so, can it be fixed? 


-Red T.


I think that your problems are largely dependant on what other mods you're using. Please do be specific.

Other mods do work on the server.
As long as it doesn't add any mobs,blocks,or items it will work because then it's just a client side mod.
Here is a list of allowed mods - https://swdteam.com/forum?p=thread&tid=1616 - those all work on the server.

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