Minecraft Username: DoctorWhovian101
Location(which server): Public
Description of the problem: I made three holes in a TARDIS wilderness park
What you were doing prior to the ban: I wasn't playing when I was banned
Why should you be unbanned: I dont see why mining three blocks is ban worthy
Actually, it may have been a couple more than 3, I dont really keep track of how many blocks i mine
If you didn't build or own something and proceed to break it, it's counted as griefing and that's a ban-able offence.
Musket I agree with sub.
As for the ban. As I am currently out of state I will be issueing a 24 he ban and ask that this thread be left open till then. After 24 hr from this point you will be unbanned, grief again and the punishment will be MUCH worse.
Will an admin please unban him 24 hrs from this point, thank you.
If you're not online, the only thing that can be done is a ban. At the moment, we don't have offline jailing.
As for the unban, I'll take care of it.
Why are you mentioning jailing, I was only banned. sorry if that sounded rude, m not that great at wording