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[Ban Appeal] ii_immortalHD [Status: Serving Time]

Why was I banned? I was roleplaying, and I was banned! I talked to NexusVangaurd on the  Private Server, And he said the only answer he was getting was "Because John Said To" I would like to hear back from this... 1WTC? Please? PLEASE tell me why I was banned?

yellcryI love this server and donated £15. It would be a waste of my money if I am not UN-banned.

I don't under stand! I was banned without a warning!

You were banned because we recieved reports from players that you were being abusive. This is a 48h ban. 

I got banned yesterday... so I get unbanned... Tomorrow

ii_ImmortalHD, Banned by: Ford_Pines, 2016-08-07 05:58:01, Banned by an operator.

You will be unbanned tomorrow morning

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