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[Ban Appeal] MurderOCrows [Unanswered]

Minecraft Username: MurderOCrows

Location(which server):Public

Description of the problem:I have been banned for tardis bridging

What you were doing prior to the ban:Clayp8 was showing me his tardis

Why should you be unbanned:I wasn't ever bridging i was adding room to my tardis and i don't want to be banned for adding to my tardis that just makes me sad

Try not to underline past the :

Easier to read:

Minecraft Username: MurderOCrows

Location(which server): Public

Description of the problem:I have been banned for tardis bridging

What you were doing prior to the ban:Clayp8 was showing me his tardis

Why should you be unbanned:I wasn't ever bridging i was adding room to my tardis and i don't want to be banned for adding to my tardis that just makes me sad

This thread has been locked.