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Can someone help me?

Ok, so. I keep trying to go in the private server and it tells me this: Internal Exception: in.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException

Can someone tell me what to do to get back in the server? I have beta, and it'll let me in the public server but... I have already reinstalled the game twice! IDK what to do...

do you have the beta test build?

if so then i dont know what to do

if not then like....just get it and you should be fine


also try to relog on your swd account and then restart your game

I tryed that, still. :/ do I need an admin or John to fix it?

Private is down and John's away on holiday, It'll be up when it's up.

 any idea when he's coming back?

Did you put you userneme in your profile?

There's a button saying Minecraft username and you have to put it in there.

It's in account settings.

@sky467 This post is from August, please look at the post dates before commenting to see if it's an old post.

This thread has been locked.