Minecraft Username:Starlord_2001
Location of griefed building(Coords, which server): 58807 68-60 2077, DMU Public
When it happened (Time and Date): 6:45pm (UTC +8) 3:45am PST
Description of the problem: Well I was going to my hidden underground house, and I found a straight tunnel going down to my anvil. I'm pretty sure I didn't dig that
Witnesses (if any): None
Image(screenshot) before and after griefing:
Before (I just replaced the block):
I can check the block logs when you are on
I can check the block logs when you are on
Well it's not likely that we'll be on at the same time, can you just tp and check the blocklog? btw I placed back the block for the before screenshot
bump, the grief is still here, has anyone checked the blocklogs?
bump, the grief is still here, has anyone checked the blocklogs?
I will check de grief today.