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Server Won't Open!

Hi, so I was waiting forever for the server to open (Cuz I was too lazy too purchase it) And everything runs smoothly. I'm just wondering, why does it say 

"Mod Rejections [FMLMod:tehdalekmod{Update 41.1}]

Can you please help someone, it means the world to me if you can. I have been DYING to log on there.

That means you need to update to the latest version of the Dalek Mod,Update 41.1 to use the DMU Public server.

Also, please check if there are similar posts. The less duplicate posts the better. You may even find your answer! :)

A mod rejection is when you have different mods to the mods the server has it commonly appears as [FMLMod:modname[VERSION]} if you ever encounter  this issue with any, forge mod that's what the error means.

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