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[Ban Appeal] [Sm0k33] [Rejected, and Permanently Banned]

Minecraft Username:  Sm0k33

Which server you were banned on: DMU Public

What you were doing prior to the ban: Hadn't played in a day or two? Really don't know what I did to warrant it at all and I was given no reason.

Why should you be unbanned (no excuses like "it was my brother/caps lock stuck"):  Because I was given no reason other than "Banned by operator" which is not only severely unfair but also doesn't help anyone at all. Thanks.

[Deleted by Site Moderator]


What's with the unrelated stupid spam shit?

Smokee is now banned from the website, including 

throughthewirekanyewest, because they're the same person

Smokee is now banned from the website, including 

throughthewirekanyewest, because they're the same person

 This looks to be the solution we're going with. Allow me to lock the thread

This thread has been locked.