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Ford is being a bully! [Rejected] [Ban: Forever]

I do believe that Ford is being a little bit of a bully! I never warped to LOTR (whatever that means) nor griefed in Hobbit... Whatever that is! I want proof! Not by ford! I DEMAND it  be from someone else! p.s. MlkPls is a little bit immature. He disregarded my whole topic on 'Logic My dear friend logic!' (No offence indended)

I do believe that Ford is being a little bit of a bully! I never warped to LOTR (whatever that means) nor griefed in Hobbit... Whatever that is! I want proof! Not by ford! I DEMAND it  be from someone else! p.s. MlkPls is a little bit immature. He disregarded my whole topic on 'Logic My dear friend logic!' (No offence indended)

 Admins have blocklogs, and they don't lie. Why don't you want Ford to provide the blocklogs? He can't fake them or anything. And how did Milk "Disregard" your topic? He answered it well imo. You have to be a bit more detailed.

btw LOTR stands for Lord Of The Rings


Ford made a staff complaints thread too : https://swdteam.com/forum?p=thread&tid=1930

Hey, I'm Not-Ford, new admin on the scene. I see you've been banned by Ford, the horrific bully. Apologies for that! Ford sent for me because you DEMANDED someone else answer your....appeal? Is this an appeal???

I mean, you put this under ban appeals, but apparently this is against Ford? There's no context to this either!

I'm pretty sure there's a format to be followed, too! Maybe you shouldn't go against admins and DEMAND someone else answer it, and just follow the gosh darned format.

I will ask this once, and if you do not listen you will end up in larger trouble than whatever grief you committed.

Stop making threads to make fun of staff or accuse them of whatever, especially without proof. Okay?

As someone I know once said.. Logic, my dear friend, logic!

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