Original Thread Title: Unfair perm ban all servers and discord
I was just minding my own business on discord and chatting with my friends then SubDivide came and banned me from the discord server then from public which I didn't even do anything on there to get banned then 50ap5ud5 came and banned me from the other two servers. Permanently
edit: don't delete this tread
You were warned to stop adding Sub to random Direct message groups and leave him be. You insisted on trying to add him to social media outlets.
Sub has placed your ban reason as Staff Social Media Violation.
I was just minding my own business on discord and chatting with my friends then SubDivide came and banned me from the discord server
Not a single word from you was ever uttered in the Discord chat lol.
You began spam adding me to numerous Group Dms and not leaving me alone so I took the required action considering your past and your final warning you got from John on a previous Post.
The reason why there was no chat of me on there is because you banned me before I had a chance to
You were warned to stop adding Sub to random Direct message groups and leave him be. You insisted on trying to add him to social media outlets.
Sub has placed your ban reason as Staff Social Media Violation.
I'm still getting used to the layout of discord
I've tried to say on the dmu severs but ya just kept yapping and would let me have enough time to say it