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Matrix's 10th Doctors TARDIS Thread



My name is ThMatrix and iv'e been trying to work on a 10th Doctors interior for some time but I cant seem to get it accurate. So i created this thread in hopes of getting some suggestions to make it better.



It's not bad, the main console is good. 

I suggest you use the coral blocks for the walls, for more accuracy. 


The pillars could use some work, there are only 6 coral pillars, two at the front and back and one either side. 


Also I reccomened using a more gray block such as stained clay for the main floor. And finally there are two platforms, one circular on top of one hexagon 


Apart from that it's a good first attempt!

The floor should be cyan stained clay or the Toyota Platform or Console blocks. Besides what War said, the top few layers should be the coral roof block. The lines you have running down the walls should occur 18 times in total, including where pillars are, the center of the main walls, the space where a pillar would be if it was there on the wall, etc. The console room has a proper "underconsole", so it would be good to have something below it to show that (even if it's just one block lower, with the sandstone continuing and a ring if redstone lamps). The walls and roof should be higher, and allow for most of the pillar model to show. The time rotor and modeled controls in the mod would make it look much nicer than glass, and also allow for accurate scaling of the time rotor to the upper... thing. Which should be taller. There is also a top section to the right of the console, made from grating.

Other than that, it's better than my first one.

EDIT: Just noticed how you got the shape, and using //hsphere for a TARDIS shape is a very bad idea. Build the dome by hand. It will allow you to get things exactly to scale, and have them look right.

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