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{Rejected] [Ban appeal] MCGamer123_YT: swear, spam, other offenses [Perm Ban]

Minecraft name: MCGamer123_YT

Server:Dalek Mod univers public

Im sorry for swearing and all that stuff since then I changed a lot and would like to try out the new updates on the dmu because I miss this server.

You can try out the new Dalek Mod Updates on singeplayer or another non-official server

Anyway as for the ban, it is a permanent ban, you were told this after your last ban appeals.


And finally you didn't just swear, you impersonated staff afterwards. 

The final decision is up to Dutchbear12 so I will inform him about your appeal

Well consider you griefed so many times got permed then you got unbanned griefed stuff from the LOTR warp (Old public world) then changed your name to OneWhiteWizard 2 when I had the name OneWhiteWizard Probaly to annoy me. I have no reason for now to unban you. I will think about it if I unban you or not for now it has been denied. I will lock the thread and maybe unlock it if I change my mind.

This thread has been locked.