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[DMU Public] Griefing Report/Tardis Missing

HI there,


I recently returned to the server after it was online again. I found that my Tardis Landing spot which was at -197 78 269 was griefed once again and my Tardis missing.


Now I know 1WTC had to revert spawn to a backup because of huge changes to spawn happened without his permission. However my Tardis was outside of spawn and still missing. Full report below:



Missing Tardis


Username: 50ap5ud5

Location of building(Coords, which server) prior to disappearance: -197 78 269, Overworld, DMU Public server. Tardis interior coordinates: 28312 64 10

When it happened (Time and Date): While I was offline, exact time unknown.

What you were doing prior to the build going missing: I just had my Tardis landed at the specified coords and logged off. This was on the 30/12/15

Type of Tardis (Interior, Exterior):  2010 Copper Tardis (I got it before it was banned, was allowed to keep it) interior and Bill and Ted's Phone Booth exterior

Description of the problem: Won't respond to summoning. I had all my chests in the Tardis, so with it gone so are my items.

Witnesses (if any): None

Image(screenshot) of building before disappearance: A compliation of screenshots of my Tardis exterior, interior and screenshots of chests in a folder called "Missing Tardis". (rest of image is cropped out as it takes up space)






Griefing Reports:


Username: 50ap5ud5

Location of building(Coords, which server) prior to disappearance: -197 78 269, DMU Public server

When it happened (Time and Date): While I was offline, exact time unknown.

What you were doing prior to the build being griefed: I just had my Tardis landed at the landing spot and logged off. This was on the 30/12/15

Description of the problem: Skaro Stone robbed, cobblestone stairs missing

Witnesses (if any):None

Image(screenshot) before and after griefing: All images of build before and after griefing are in the "Griefing 30/12/15" folder in this shared folder:   



EDIT: I've tried teleporting to my interior coordinates, but when I try to land the Tardis it says "This is not your Tardis".

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