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update 46 link url download [Removed by Site Moderators]

Hello there, please do not post links of SWD Beta Access Products. It is one of the terms you are binded to when purchasing Beta Access  as shown below:




There are a few things you can and cannot do regarding the Beta Access.
1.) You must not distribute the files with anybody else who does not have beta access.
2.) You may be required to login to your SWDTeam account upon launching the Beta Product, this is so that we can authenticate that the user using the product is a beta user.
3.) You must not give your account details out to other users to give them access to the beta as well. We keep track of who is using what and if we see this happening then you may loose your beta access or even your SWDTeam account.
4.) So long as it has a green tick beside it you are free to record videos of the beta product, and display it publically, however if it has a red cross you are not permitted to display the content publically. Again this may cause you to loose you Beta access or even your SWDTeam account."


By posting this link you can receive a site ban, as it is violating one of SWD Team's terms.


However, I can see you don't have SWDTeam Beta Access and you may have obtained it from an existing Beta Access user. 

If you could provide us the username of the person who gave you this link your punishment may be less severe. I'll be keeping this thread open to allow for the thread creator to reply.

~50ap5ud5, Site Moderator.

Hello there, please do not post links of SWD Beta Access Products. It is one of the terms you are binded to when purchasing Beta Access  as shown below:



There are a few things you can and cannot do regarding the Beta Access.
1.) You must not distribute the files with anybody else who does not have beta access.
2.) You may be required to login to your SWDTeam account upon launching the Beta Product, this is so that we can authenticate that the user using the product is a beta user.
3.) You must not give your account details out to other users to give them access to the beta as well. We keep track of who is using what and if we see this happening then you may loose your beta access or even your SWDTeam account.
4.) So long as it has a green tick beside it you are free to record videos of the beta product, and display it publically, however if it has a red cross you are not permitted to display the content publically. Again this may cause you to loose you Beta access or even your SWDTeam account."

By posting this link you can receive a site ban, as it is violating one of SWD Team's terms.

However, I can see you don't have SWDTeam Beta Access and you may have obtained it from an existing Beta Access user. 

If you could provide us the username of the person who gave you this link your punishment may be less severe. I'll be keeping this thread open to allow for the thread creator to reply.a




Good morning, I'll tell you, I'll tell you, but I'd like to be unbanned of server. DMU, ??I do not do what I did back then, and if they've been for almost a year and a half, I just ask them and I give them how, where and from whom. I got






thanks the name is  [Filtered by a site mod] IS JUST COPY THE LINKS HERE IN TH BEGGINING OF VIDEO  [Link filtered by a site mod]

and what you will do ? 

I just did it to take attention of you and be unbanned.



First off just type  normally stop putting things in giant font.

I'm going to put this in a nice way, you were banned from our servers for hacking. Strike 1.
You posted a controlled link to a beta product that shouldn't be posted publicly. Strike 2.
You then told me that you would tell us where the link came from only if you were unbanned. Strike 3.

You did it for attention and you got the attention you were looking for just not in a good way.|

I am sorry but you are not being unbanned nor will you be allowed to continue this. 

Thread will be locked unless any SWDteam member would like to comment.

This thread has been locked.