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TARDIS DEMAT(suggestions)

These suggestions are for the tardises materialization function 


(1): Would be nice to have a function on the tardis that allows you to materialize the tardis around a player basically you materialize on the player and they would be teleported into the interior.I think this would add immersion and would just be plain cool .


(2): I think that mabey a tardis history system would help a lot this would look like this 




And mabey add to it a function so you can save coordinates in it and name them so you only have to click them and GO

this could use a client side save and be accessed through the tardis monitor


(3): i know it may be hard but when the tardis dematerializes into the vortex you could make it so the doors can open and you see the time vortex through the doors although it may be hard the immersion would be great i have seen this on Gmod(garry's mod) it was amazing i could fly the tardis through the vortex



Ill add more 

The first one is already being worked on and could possibly be in Update 47

The second sounds cool

The third doesn't sound as cool considering it's not really canon and in the show, it would probably kill a human.

Actually the third is canon as per Enemy of the World. As for killing a person, possibly. The Second Doctor got rid of Ramon Slamander this way, but the latter was revealed surviving in the comics after the experience.

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