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[Griefing and insulting report] BiltongDog and lavadownloader

Hello to all ! I regret having to do this but here we go. BiltongDog and lavadownloader decided to come and "mock" my recent build (a hotel, still a work in progress). They came in, started hitting guests that I was trying to greet in the hotel, mocked the build and started to be very disrespectful to me and to the guests of the hotel. BiltongDog then decided to break 2 glass panes and leave while continuously being horrible in the chat. I said I wouldn't report him if he replaced the panes but he refused, so here we are. The time was around 4:30 AM on the 1st of August so you'll easily find the logs for these events. Lavadownloader, although he didn't break anything, was just as insulting as BiltongDog saying stuff like "You didn't actually think we wanted rooms right? We were only here to mock you". 

My Minecraft Username: Gargamel58

Minecraft Username of Griefer : BiltongDog

Coordinates, Which Server: x : -755971 y : 63 z : 641786 / DMU Public

When it happened: 1st of August 2017 around 4:30 AM

What was griefed: 2 glass panes (and a torch that I replaced)

Witnesses (if any): FracturedGhast, KingBacon (as you can see trying to defend me in a colourful manor in chat). 

Screenshot before and after griefing: I only have a screenshot after, but in this case the griefing is quite straight forward. 

My Minecraft Username: Gargamel58

Username of player you want banned: lavadownloader

Why they deserved to be banned: Severe insulting and disrespect.

Witnesses: FracturedGhast, KingBacon.

 Evidence: See the 2 comments posted below. 


Here is a screenshot of lavadownloader telling me to "go and die", when I hadn't said anything that would trigger this kind of reaction. 

Sorry for commenting twice but here is some more evidence of abuse from lavadownloader, where he says "I'm a racist". Have no idea why. 

Sorry for commenting twice but here is some more evidence of abuse from lavadownloader, where he says "I'm a racist". Have no idea why. 

 Its because you where going around saying racist stuff but you don't wanna show admins why he's saying this too you I remember you being racist

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