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beta access in dmu public

what i can do with beta access in dmu public? i can use gamemode 1? what i can do withbeta access because i want to buy it but what i can do with this.

You get to use Tardis flight on the public server along with access to the private server, where everyone is in creative. Unfortunately on the public server you will still be in survival, if you want creative you can donate $15 to the server. 


SWD Beta Access also gives you access to other SWD content early, not only Dalek Mod! 

You get to use Tardis flight on the public server along with access to the private server, where everyone is in creative. Unfortunately on the public server you will still be in survival, if you want creative you can donate $15 to the server. 


SWD Beta Access also gives you access to other SWD content early, not only Dalek Mod! 

 Wow, SWD makes things other than the Dalek mod, what a surprise, I'm only interested in the blue box show with bad writing and an inconsistent plot. :( #unsubscribed.

:P Yeah, I had to write that because a lot of people tend to forget that SWD make other games too like Fromage's  Kicking Ranch and Helium Horror, which are really nice little games. And also Carvable Pumpkins or Back to the Future Mods, they don't really get as much attention-I don't see a forum thread for any of them... :(


And yes, that's some people's opinions to SWD. You summarised it perfectly. :p

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