Recently I wanted to buy some things on the DMU Store. (Cartridges) when I saw the message telling me I need to add my minecraft name. So I tried putting it (KingJeIIy, with two I's) It said it was taken. So I tried to mess with it a little bit by putting (KingJelly spelt with two l's) Then I realized I couldn't change my name until I requested help. So thats why I'm here now. I want to change my name to KingJeIIy. Any help?
The Minecraft name needs to be the exact name you use in-game. Changing it will make it not work.
Your name used needs to be the exact spelling for your minecraft username, if you already have a forum account bound to that minecraft username you need to use that account for your purchases
Its fine now. I dmed 1WTC and he says he'll fix it for me. So I would like to request this thread locked.