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my frind whaz on my accont got i hate him i wha in the other room talking with my gf 

Hello there,


Make sure to use following format:


Thread Title

[DMU Ban appeal] Your MC Username: Reason for ban [Ban Length]


Thread comtent

Minecraft username:

Why you were banned:

Ban duration: 

What were you doing last on the server:

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):


Minecraft username:xXlost_soulllXx

Why you were banned:for hacking

Ban duration: perm

What were you doing last on the server: whaz hanging with a frind ydan111

Why you think you should be pardoned early bc my friend used my account and whaz hacking on it if u please unban me ill make sure it will never happen again

Minecraft username:xXlost_soulllXx

Why you were banned:for hacking

Ban duration: perm

What were you doing last on the server: whaz hanging with a frind ydan111

Why you think you should be pardoned early bc my friend used my account and whaz hacking on it if u please unban me ill make sure it will never happen again

I'm sorry but to me it doesn't look like you are taking this seriously especially because of the first post... 

Also it is your responsibility for what happens to your account.

Please leave Ban appeals for staff members to respond to unless you can help the situation in some way.

im srry i whaz in my bedroom my frind hade my pc 



Hello Lost


Unfortunately, you were permanently banned for fly hacking on our server. Hacking itself is bad enough considering that common sense would dictate that hacking wouldn't be allowed on any server at all, but to go and blame your ban on someone else being on your account only adds insult to injury.


It's common knowledge here that blaming the actions of someone else on your account is NOT a valid reason. What happens on your Minecraft Account is YOUR responsibility, regardless of if you are the one using the account or not. Your ban will remain in place, we do not tolerate cheaters on the DMU.


Appeal Denied. Thread Locked.

This thread has been locked.