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Ban on DMU Public server

I: Unbanning Reports: (Sorry if i don't speak english very well, I'm french...)



Minecraft Username: JONY4


Why you were banned: 2 bridge in my tardis + Little grief of a parking (3 warnings)


Given Ban Length: All my life, to the end of Minecraft...


What were you doing last on the server: I was making a bridge to an other console room in my tardis



I would like to be unban because I love this server! In France, there are only servers of bad people, and there I found my happiness! Doctor Who + Minecraft + English peoples = <3 for me. I realize now that I have not been at all respectful to you and the rules, and I strongly reckon myself ... I sincerely hope that you will understand how sorry I am and how much the community I miss your server. Sincerely, Jonathan

I am going to deny this ban appeal for many reasons. 1. You were given many chances, 2. It has been less then I month, so not much time to change. You may re-appeal in 3 months. ~Bluey 

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