Dear Mr. AmbientStudios,
One of my faction officers has told me that the new buildings and skyscrapers are part of AmbientCityV3. Could you please tell me if this information is correct?
If not:
Then this letter was a waste of time, and DMU life continues normally.
If so:
The area is in violation of .N.I.T's territory. .N.I.T has owned the entire forest since the end of BlueDashia, meaning that your city is in violation of this, and not even trying to hide it, because it's right next to my town.
You have three options to solve this:
1: Allow .N.I.T to annex the violating territory.
2: Move the territory. (not very easy) to another place.
3: Declare war on .N.I.T, which can have one of three outcomes.
3.1: .N.I.T wins, meaning that .N.I.T annexes the territory. (See 1.)
3.2: Ambient wins, meaning you keep the territory, and I have to deal with it.
3.3: Truce, and we come up with some kind of compromise.
The Monocracer of the .N.I.T
LazyOctopus I
Uh yeah they are. And since we are in allience of your town this shouldn’t be a problem. If you want more forest we can always replant.
The reason I had chosen the location was mainly because your town is in allience. And your town it’s literally falling apart, I was the only person keeping it working. By linking towns it will be in constant check.
Uh yeah they are. And since we are in allience of your town this shouldn’t be a problem. If you want more forest we can always replant.
The reason I had chosen the location was mainly because your town is in allience. And your town it’s literally falling apart, I was the only person keeping it working. By linking towns it will be in constant check.
Ambient, just because we're in an alliance doesn't mean you can just move into my territory. Besides, our alliance pretty much is gone. Also, the thing is you can't just replace a town without the original owner's consent. And, now that I'm back, .N.I.T has put itself back together again. I'll let you stay where you are, but as a city in the .N.I.T empire. Deal?
Uh yeah they are. And since we are in allience of your town this shouldn’t be a problem. If you want more forest we can always replant.
The reason I had chosen the location was mainly because your town is in allience. And your town it’s literally falling apart, I was the only person keeping it working. By linking towns it will be in constant check.
Ambient, just because we're in an alliance doesn't mean you can just move into my territory. Besides, our alliance pretty much is gone. Also, the thing is you can't just replace a town without the original owner's consent. And, now that I'm back, .N.I.T has put itself back together again. I'll let you stay where you are, but as a city in the .N.I.T empire. Deal?
Uh, ok..
But here's a problem. If I'm now the owner of V3, then I can't just make you a citizen. Ambient, do you want a job in V3 so I don't completely take away power from you?
Because completely taking V3 over would be dictator-y of me.
Also, since I now own V3, you would lose your seat in the Federation due to not being a nation anymore... so we need to make a deal with Ky so .N.I.T can replace AmbientCity's spot in the Federation.
wait hold it when did you become ambientcityv3's owner?
i didnt read that anywhere in this XD
I dont think ambient is just going to give you his intire city... you’d have to be insane to think that
I dont think ambient is just going to give you his intire city... you’d have to be insane to think that
Well, he did build it on my property, and said "Uh, ok." when I told him what I was planning to do with his city.
Yea he sounded confused here is an idea though you to just be friends and not go insane. I mean no taking over cities thats like saying I own the moon and nobody can build on it so just share each others territory i mean i understand both sides but you guys should come up with ideas to fix this issue. Another idea just ask a staff to copy Ambients city then have the staff paste it somewhere else the destroy the old copy of the city and regrow a forest or build something there or whatever. But that was just how I would solve the issue
He didn't specifically agree to it.
Yeah, I don't know what he meant.
And to xNebulastarx, you have a valid point, but he built V3 literally right next to my town, then pretty much "replaced" my town. My property may not be the entire forest, but building towns right next to your town is not that good. Also, I gave Ambient the option of moving it, but that would be very, very hard. Even for people with w/e.
i can put a wall between your towns
Why don't N.I.T and AmbientCity V3 merge and you both become co-owners of the city/town/empire of N.I.Tbient City or something?
Why don't you just settle this with a competitive match on smash melee?
In all seriousness though, can't you just ally? No need to merge or anything, just ally and leave it, because I really don't think one taking over another city, or fusing is necessary unless ambient comes out and agrees with the idea