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Please Un-Ban

I just got banned from The DMU minecraft server for 72 hours. I was banned because I built into a structure above a gallifrey town, and I though it was a randomly generated structure, so I went in. I thought it was cool, so I asked a mod if he can copy and paste it for me, since it was Olly's. Olly then reported me to DucthBear18#9057, who banned me under reason cause I griefed. I did not know it was Olly's structure, and If i know, I would not have built up to it. I'm sorry and may u please revoke my ban? And now, I have just been banned from the discord cause I went into a VC and said nothing. Please at at least un-ban me from the discord. I am sorry


Dutch said if I talked about it again, I would be banned, But I didnt talk about it, and I got banned.

Discord account username and ID: My Discord username in Sebastian#5057

Why you were banned: Apparently for "Talking about my ban when I had my mic muted"

Ban duration: perm

Last doing on Discord :On VC General,  soing nothing

Previous bans: 1, doing a fake endgame spoiler

 I think I should be un-banned from the discord cause the admin said if I talked about my MC ban again, I would be banned, but I didnt talk, and I still got banned

Its not 72h for my discord, At least i dont think, is it?

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