Sitename/Minecraft Name: TheOrdinaryGamer
The Problem: I was attempting to get SWDBae but I wasn't logged in, so it logged me in, I clicked pay with paypal and I was sent to the site again. I don't know if it saved my credit card information from last time when I bought Beta Access, or since I logged in it sent me home. I used my uncle's credit card when I bought Beta, so I don't want to accidentally buy SWDBae with his credit card and then use my dad's to donate another 15 dollars. I need to know if I bought it already and it was sent through, or if it didn't go through and I can still enter my dad's credit card information to buy it. And if it did save the credit card information from last time, if I can change it somehow. Thanks in advance.
So...basically you are asking to confirm if you have purchased SWDBae rank right? Your thread title is a bit vague.
So...basically you are asking to confirm if you have purchased SWDBae rank right? Your thread title is a bit vague.
Well, yeah, and if there's a way to change the way you change how you pay for it.
So...basically you are asking to confirm if you have purchased SWDBae rank right? Your thread title is a bit vague.
Well, yeah, and if there's a way to change the way you change how you pay for it.
Go on a private server and tell admins to fix you're problem