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accused of greifing

I was accused of griefing yesterday and I've already been to jail for it, I don't understand why I've been temp band too?

Because I told Olly about the grief to my shop, and he looked at the block logs there, and he saw in the Block Logs, that you griefed it. So that's why your banned. Your also banned from my shop now

I was accused of griefing yesterday and I've already been to jail for it, I don't understand why I've been temp band too?

 For staffs sake, and yours, please use the correct format. You have no chance off a staff-member accepting the appeal if it doesn't follow the correct template. Find out how to post a valid appeal here https://swdteam.com/forum?p=thread&tid=4191 

Note: Don't post a new thread, edit this one.

 Also note: please do NOT comment on ban appeals unless you’re staff OR have information that could affect the appeal decision. Nathangloverrr please make a new thread with correct format this is too messy.  


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-DMU Admin

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