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Early Unban

Minecraft Username: Panaramics

Why you were banned: Stealing some lapis

Given Ban Length: Temp ban (doesn't say)

What were you doing last on the server: farming and flying in my TARDIS

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I realize stealing is very bad, but I was mining for at least an hour to get some lapis and I couldn't get any. So I found a deserted town that didn't look important, so I took a few blocks of lapis just so I could make a tardis. I fell very bad and will try to repay the lapis I took.

Hi Panaramics,


Whether or not not a place looks deserted or ‘not important’ it doesn’t mean you can just help yourself to resources. If you required help with crafting a tardis you could have asked if anyone had any lapis I’m sure people would have helped you out should you have asked. 


As your ban is only for 48 hours this appeal is denied. 


I hope you will think about this in future.



-DMU Ultra-Admin

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