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[BanReport] Banned Without Reason

i benned withe out reson from the server bucase some one think i grifed in redeash empire but i just fix the elven doctor hose and some one alse do the griffing. plaes an bun me. so i banned becus someone else do the griffing not my. i havent been in the server sinch fraiday night

Username: agent_oy

Location(which server):delack mod univers

Description of the problem: i never do the giffing that i baned for

What you were doing prior to the ban: i was in my school

Why should you be unbanned: buces i never dan that and never grifed. if i will un band


radash pleas anban me i never grifing i hate grifers and never stoll anyning


*i never stoll anything

 did he allow you to fix something there? and griefers arent ppl who take stuff thats raiders if u werent allowed to build there thats probably why you got banned for griefing

i am the elventdoctor copenion. some one girf and said its me dan that

Griefing is always assumed to be just destroying. Griefing can be classified as placing blocks too, take lava for example.

i am the elventdoctor copenion. some one girf and said its me dan that

 Its possible admins and mods and owners accidently bans you bec it looks like you are griefing

i never griff any one. jus one in my privet server for a joke to my firand. in my server!!. and i reterned what i took. and i have respect to anter men bulidings

no one had been seen me. some one broke his hose and i fix it. some one put his tardis on my hose and i cant get my chest

Why can people just play nice without any griefing you keep griefing thats saying i want to get banned if you dont want to be banned then stop griefing

i never grif and i siad the only time i griff some one its was on my server i crate on a grifing war(a very one try to girf itch ater) and my frind know that

and i never grifed in anter server. the grif war was a minigame i cert for fun

if you don't griefed , try to talk with the admins . they can help you .

i am disgrf i cant write good. and englis isnt my moter langus

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