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1MRPumpy1 And SJBPlayz Banned for no reason

So Today is 08 of march 2020 Me, my brother and my cousin all built a house together and we were finished and i wrote on the door Do Not Grief this house or i will slit my wrists because of my depression and then i was banned for no reason as temporary and my brother was banned perm for no reason 


Minecraft username:1MRPumpy1 & SJBPlayz

Why you were banned:No reason at all

Ban duration: Mine was temp and my brother was banned for being a supposed alt it made me angry and suicidal

What were you doing last on the server: Building House

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):Because we did nothing wrong and someone was stalking us it was Olly and Ben1Ben1 

Hi there,

So I just want to let you know I wasn't watching you but that doesn't matter really.


Firstly, I will not be unbanning you or SJBPlayz. You were banned for 16 hours for being disrespectful, but it was increased to perm when you tried to avoid the punishment.

Secondly, I am very concerned about your mental health. If you need to speak to someone can I recommend speaking to samaritans? They are a fantastic organization who can help you. Here is the link to their website https://www.samaritans.org/?gclid=CjwKCAiAzJLzBRAZEiwAmZb0agn3kfGboEtfRxjeJ5QlUCOv2Dbxa-gEBwuW9bNZGW1nJKg6xFIAlRoC39AQAvD_BwE


If you are joking about your mental health however please stop because it would be so rude to people who are actually struggling. 


You can reappeal in 2 weeks.



- DMU Admin

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