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Habdzik: I'm sorry

Username: Habdzik

Reason for ban: Trying to use the survival flight

Ban Expires: Never

I was playing with a friend and we were trying to find an end city for a long amount of time, and I asked if anyone knew one but no one answered, so I made up my mind and went looking for an easy solution. And stumbled upon a survival flight mod. I tried connecting to the server but I got this screen

I understand what I did was wrong and will never do it again, all I am asking for is another chance to play with my friend (Minecraft Username: Vitosim).

I got rid of the mod right after trying to join the server.


Yours sincerely,


Hi Habdzik, I'll be taking your appeal today. Upon joining the server you are asked to do /rules. When doing so you would have seen rule 14. "Don't use any mods or clients that make it possible to bypass normal player restrictions." This includes flight. Also seeing as you've done /accept-rules you told us that you had indeed read the rules, yet broke them on purpose. For this reason I will be denying your appeal. Please Reappeal in 1 week.
~Thetomsterman Trainee Staff

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