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Regeneration Quest?

 Name of Feature: Regeneration Quest


Description: An Series of actions the player must go on to gain the ability of becoming an time-lord


How does this affect gameplay: The player is given dirrections to go to different places and follow orders in order to appease the quest giver into giving them the reward



Any other information:

In order to become a timelord the player must travel to galifrey within their tardis and locate an randomly generated citidel , upon reaching this area the player must seek out an time-lord NPC that will give them a quest that allows them to become a timelord the quest will contain learning how to pilot a tardis by clicking a series of buttons in a correct order , going on fetch quests to find items and then finally returning to galifrey where the time lords will then take the player to an regeneration chamber , some fanfare will be given to the ordeal where the player absorbs the regeneration energy ( the particle goes their model and they glow for a bit )


from there to complete the quest the player can do one of two things

One - Step into an regeneration chamber that will go off automatically , this speical quest regeneration will not use up a regeneration but would be an introduction to how it works without having the player read text

Two - The Player Dosen't complete the extra step and instead talks to the NPC that finishes the Quest


Also Quests would just be a cool feature in general


It would give Players something to do once they've actually obtained a tarids and would give use to the Currency Item in single-player , they could be simple quests that give simple rewards like Dalekanium since the mod can start to feel a bit grindy when your trying to craft weapons , armour & Tardises having an alternative way to gain these resources through doing Quests would be a great way to bring more variety into the gameplay style of the mod which when playing in survival normally consists of just mining and hunting mobs.


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