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[DMU Ban appeal] League_Head: Annoyance / Greifing [Permanent]

Minecraft username: League_Head

Why you were banned: Griefing/ Annoyance

Ban duration: Forever

What were you doing last on the server: Messing around with my friend and building my new tardis, also help TrinnyG5 get blocks.

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): Everything I would like to say is above in my first appeal, to reply to Joee3 though

Hi I have read the comment and your deny and I understand the denial of my request. You said I continued annoying Cwavs, however about a week before my ban me and Cwavs made an alliance and planned to build together as an apology to each other, you could say he is my friend on the server. I see that you think I have continued to annoy people however I can claim that most of the time they would simply hit me or something like that so I would always strike back but because I had really good gear I would tend to kill them by accident and that's where I believe you see me continuing to annoy people. So I do understand that you may deny this again and I would stop appealing because this is my 4th ban but I don't believe I should have been banned from these mistakes since the griefing was a joke and I had it under control. The broken block in the Tardis was an honest mistake I thought when I broke the block I replaced it in the right place but I didn't and that is seen as griefing which I'm sorry for but I really had no idea. So to whoever replies to this I hope you can give me a final chance on the server as I truly miss playing on the server as I have made friends and built amazing things so I just hope and hope that you will give me the chance so please, please, please let me play on the server again and I promise I will help the people who need it and I will stay away from any trouble and I will just stick to myself and avoid any sort of annoyance.

You may see this as a very needy, petty appeal but I just want to play DMU again so thanks for reading this and I hope you consider me playing again.

Sincerely League_Head

Do not post new threads about the same topic if no one responds. Staff has a life too.

Do not post new threads about the same topic if no one responds. Staff has a life too.

 Its only that no staff have read my appeal but they answer everyone else's around mine plus it had some issues so I edited it

Hello there! I will be taking your appeal today. This was your 4th ban for the same reason as you have been banned before. In other words you knew better before doing what you did. I can say I didn't see any evidence of annoyance, however I did see the evidence of the griefing, and that is enough. So I will be denying your appeal. Please reappeal in 2 weeks. 
~Thetomsterman DMU Moderator

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