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[DMU Ban appeal] Your MC Username:HDS_hobikata Reason for ban:Xray Mod [Perm Ban] [Accepted]

Minecraft username: HDS_hobikata

Why you were banned: Xray

Ban duration: Permanent

What were you doing last on the server: Auto banned on logging in.

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I did try to use x-ray and I'm sorry I did have 1 ban before but then I didn't know the rules and I was really stupid. About using alt it was 1 day only and then I stopped. I couldn't play anyway because of a problem with my PC. All good wishes to the SWD team smile

Since this is your first ban of using a forbidden mod, you will be unbanned. Do /rules once you join the server again.





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