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Features I would like (Planets, TARDIS, mobs, gadgets)

Hello, Ninth Doctor here to make your modding lives just a bit more hectic.


Awhile ago a video was posted to the SWD YouTube channel that mentioned adding new flight mechanics and planets to the mod, I personally wish that this video had come to fruition. In short, I am now going to list off the planets and other miscellanious things I want added to the mod (cause that's an original post for this forum).


 Addendum: I've added detail to the functions and mechanics of these features



Telos with randomly placed Cyberstations and Cybertombs populated by Invasion and Tomb era Cybermen.

Mars with Ice Warrior caves, Osirian pyramids guarded by Osirian Mummies and a randomly placed Bowie Base 1.

Karn with crashed ships and a randomly generated temple of the sisterhood (where the player can actively choose what their regeneration will look like).

Sontar with a Sontaran cloning center, shuttle bay, Rutan battleground, and training camp.

Zygor with swamps, shuttles and organic cities .

Vortis with the Temple of Light and the Animus boss, Crater of Needles, acid pools, and Zarbi.

Varos with Zeiton-7 mines, no plantlife just rocks, and a red sky.

Woman Wept including the frozen waves and the island shaped like a weeping woman.

Spiridon with giant plantlife and a hidden Dalek Base guarded by the Black and Gold Supreme Dalek boss.

Metabelis 3 with giant vultures, giant scorpions and Metabelis crystal ore. The planet would have a blue tint and would be violent.

Spider Metabelis 3 with tiny villages and a giant cave for the Great one and it's 8-leg followers.

Peladon with a castle and trisilicate mines containing the Aggedor and miners.

Vampire Planet with the Great Vampires and lesser vampires, covered in forests and countryside along with dilapidated villages for resistance.

Future Earth with a city on it ruled by Invasion class Daleks and their Robomen.

Space Station Neva in a deep space dimension and randomly spawning Cybermats and Wirrin Hatchlings.

Dalek fleet in a deep space dimension, armed by Time War and Paradigm Daleks.

Cyber fleet in a deep space dimension armed with Nightmare Cybermen and modern Cybermats.

Trenzalore upgraded to have it's NotD (TARDIS Graveyard) and TotD (Christmas Village) variants.

Gallifrey upgraded to have more than one Citadel, a Death Zone and Dark Tower containing Rassilon's tomb and the probability engine, Settlements for the outsiders, and finally the shack from DotD-HellBent.

Skaro upgraded to have a Dalek City that 60's Daleks can't leave but Hovering Daleks can, Petrified Forest with petrified metal animals, and a Thal hideaway.

The Moon upgraded to include 1960's moon landing site, the base from Kill The Moon, and the shuttle from Kill The Moon along with Bacteria Spiders.


TARDIS Mechanics:  

Desktop Themes and the Ability to save your own

Transcendental (Abillity to see interior from exterior once doors are open)

Add Ender's TARDIS blocks and interiors to coresponding exteriors

Energy Panel (Load Zeiton-7 crystals into the TARDIS for fueling)

Flight Panel (Requires Zeiton-7 to work, no leaving atmosphere though as that requires dematerialization)

Battle Panel [Requires Zeiton-7 to work, toggle shields and battle modes: "Torpedo" can shoot explosive time torpedos during flight, "Ram" can allow the TARDIS to damage any blocks it runs into, "Capture" can cause the TARDIS to teleport any mobs or entities it runs into to a designated room inside the TARDIS (dictated by a teleporter block the user could place somewhere in the TARDIS, can filter mobs based on user specifications]

Coordinate Panel (Toggles Randomiser to send user's TARDIS to random Co-ords, Enter co-ords, co-ord mode requires Zeiton-7 to work, otherwise TARDIS travels via randomiser. Also allows user to record Waypoints)

HADS Panel (If TARDIS lands in ocean or on lava it instantly dematerializes, also stops TARDIS from activiating Battle Mode if the shields are off of the TARDIS exterior is damaged)

Conditions Panel (Let's the user see what is outside the TARDIS)

Functioning Time Rotor (Makes travel noise during flight or time travel)

TARDIS Manual (Clear instructions on use of the Tardis Control Panels)

Shields reimplimented

Wardrobe exterior

Grandfather Clock exterior

Piano exterior

Trash Bin exterior

Cardboard Box exterior



Hover Mechanic for Daleks

Omega boss mob (Summons gel guards and gives negative potion effects to player)

The Monk boss mob (Summons random hostile mobs during battle)

Animus boss mob (Sends Zarbi at the player)

The Master boss mob (Sends hypnotized villagers and 1/50 chance a Dalek after player)

Nestene boss mob (Sends Autons at the player, only damaged by Anti-Plastic) (Can be squid or molten plastic variants depending on programmers choice)

Axos ship boss mob (Spawns Axon creatures to attack player)

Sutekh boss mob (Spawns Osirian mummies and can only be defeated by Chronodyne Generator)

Great One boss mob (Summons eight legs or hypnotized mobs) (Only spawns on Metabelis 3)

Great Vampire boss mob (Giant Vampire, summons lesser vampires or hypnotized villagers. Must be banished by Chronodyne Generator)

Rutan mob (with disguise ability and electric shock ability)

Ice Warrior mob (with sonic arm weapon to tamper with electronics and harm Cybermen and Robotic Mobs excluding Daleks)

Silurian classic and modern mobs (Live in caves and classic variants have telepathic ability to add slowness effect and weakness effect to player)

Sea Devil mob (Live in ocean temples and spawn in groups of two or three on beaches)

Eight-legs mobs (Giant spiders , only spawn naturally on Metebelis 3)

Giant vulture mob (Only spawns naturally on Metabelis 3)

Giant Scorpion mob (Fires stinger, only spawns naturally on Metabelis 3)

Raston Warrior Robot mob (near impossible to destroy, must banish with Chronodyne Generator. Only spawn in Death Zone on Gallifrey)

Skovox Blitzer mob (near impossible to destroy, must banish with Chronodyne Generator, spawn rarely on Earth)

Aggedor mob (Only spawns naturally on Peladon in the mines, can be hypnotized)

Peladon Soldier (Only spawn naturally on Peladon, can be hypnotised)

Drashig mob (Burrow in the mines and under the earth, spawn rarely)

Lesser Vampire mobs (Must be staked or burned)

Osirian Mummy mob (Guards Osirian Pyramids and Desert Temples)

Wirrin Hatch-ling (Small worms, appear on Neva Base and randomly on Earth, grow over 2 day night cycles, can grow on Villagers or hypnotisable mobs)

Wirrin controlled mob (Small green masses on villagers and hypnotisable mobs, turn into Wirrin in two day night cycles)

Wirrin mob (Can fly and shoot stingers, grow from hatch-lings)

Zarbi mob (Can be hypnotized, if hypnotized by user they can be ridden)

Sisterhood of Karn mobs (with ability to heal player and reset regeneration cycle or give user control over it for one regeneration)

Dalek (Temporal Weapons) mob

Supreme Dalek (Black and Gold) mob 

Robomen Mob (Converted Villagers or other humanoid hypnotizable mobs)

Weeping Angel with an upgraded AI allowing for more accurate movement detection(near impossible to destroy, must banish with Chronodyne Generator)

Invasion, Tomb and Revenge Cybermen variants (Can be defeated with Glitter Gun)

Cybermats (Classic, Snake, and Modern variants) (Destroy redstone and can convert villagers and humanoid hypnotisable mobs)

Silents reimplimented

Sontarans reimplimented

Zygons reimplimented (with disguise ability)

Gel Guard reimplimented (with stinger laser)

UNIT solider reimplimented with weapons (hostile mobs will target them, they can be hypnotised like villagers)

Companion reimplimented (Same mechanic as before, can interact with redstone and can fight hostile mobs, can be hypnotised like villagers)



2Dis reimplimented

Food items reimplimented

Fob watch (to start Regeneration abilities in player after they pass xp points of 63)

Sonic screwdriver (with improved GUI and ability to activate redstone objects from further away then currently, perform medical scans, disable redstone use)

Timey Whimey detector (to track weeping Angels)

Trisilicate (Used to construct weapons)

Adipose Tracker (Tracks Adipose)

6th and 7th Doctor's Umbrellas (Looks cool)

Metabelis 3 crystal (can negate hypnosis effects on villagers or hypnotise)

Chronodyne Generator (Can be placed and given a timed detonation or thrown at mob, teleports mob to random co-ordinate or has 1/10 chance of killing it)

Atomic Shredder (Teleports user to their TARDIS interior)

Whomobile (Can hover over land and water, seats two)

UNIT Jeep (Can travel over land, seats 4)

Anti-Plastic (Can be thrown at Autons to kill them)

Anti-oil (Breaks Clockwork droids)

Ding machine (Detects Shapeshifter mobs)

Defabricator (laser gun crafted by player using Iron, Steel, and Trisilicate)

UNIT Pistol (Fires bullets made of iron bar and trisilicate bar, makes 8 bullets)

Auton Arm (laser gun obtained from Autons)

Sontaran Swagger Stick (addes slowness effect to target)

Dalek Gunstick (Taken from Daleks)

Glitter Gun (Kills Mondas era Cybermen, uses gold as ammunition)

The Moment  box variant (tells user not to use it)

The Moment open variant (Can only change to open variant on gallifrey, teleports player to TARDIS and if they are a timelord, regenerates them)

Christmas Bauble (Explodes when thrown)

1st Doctor's Ring (Crafted With Iron and Metabelis 3 crystal, can hypnotise and control hypnotised mobs)



1st Doctor coat and cane

2nd Doctor suit and recorder

3rd Doctor inverness capes

4th Doctor scarves (longer and more vibrant)

5th Doctor cricket bat 

7th Doctor waistcoat/vest

8th Doctor shoes (must fit perfectly)

War Doctor bandolier

9th Doctor jacket

10th Doctor jacket

11th Doctor jacket (series 7)

12th Doctor jacket (Midnight Blue and Velvet)


Right then, I think that is everything, I would love to hear what you all think should be added to the mod, cheers! laughing

I think ALL of the features you listed here should be in the mod, btw, what do you think of my idea for a TARDIS exterior https://swdteam.co.uk/forum?p=thread&tid=65

Hello, Ninth Doctor here to make your modding lives just a bit more hectic.


Awhile ago a video was posted to the SWD YouTube channel that mentioned adding new flight mechanics and planets to the mod, I personally wish that this video had come to fruition. In short, I am now going to list off the planets and other miscellanious things I want added to the mod (cause that's an original post for this forum).



Telos with randomly placed Cyberstations and Cybertombs.

Mars with Ice Warrior caves, Osirian pyramids and a randomly placed Bowie Base 1.

Karn with crashed ships and a randomly generated temple of the sisterhood.

Sontar with a Sontaran cloning center, shuttle bay, Rutan battleground, and training camp.

Zygor with swamps and organic cities.

Vortis with the Temple of Light, Crater of Needles, acid pools, and Zarbi.

Varos with Zeiton-7 mines, no plantlife just rocks, and a red sky.

Woman Wept including the frozen waves and the island shaped like a weeping woman.

Spiridon with giant plantlife and a hidden Dalek Base.

Metabelis 3 with giant vultures, giant scorpions and blue crystals. The planet would have a blue tint and would be violent.

Spider Metabelis 3 with tiny villages and a giant cave for the 8-legs.

Peladon with a castle and mines.

Vampire Planet with the Great Vampires, covered in forests and countryside.

Future Earth with a city on it ruled by Daleks.

Space Station Neva in a deep space dimension.

Dalek fleet in a deep space dimension .

Cyber fleet in a deep space dimension.

Trenzalore upgraded to have it's NotD and TotD variants.

Gallifrey upgraded to have more than one Citadel, a Death Zone and Dark Tower, Settlements for the outsiders, and finally the shack from DotD.

Skaro upgraded to have a Dalek City, Petrified Forest, and Thal hideaway.

The Moon upgraded to include 1960's moon landing site, the base from Kill The Moon, and the shuttle from Kill The Moon.


TARDIS Mechanics:  

Add Ender's TARDIS blocks and interiors

Flight mode (no leaving atmosphere though, that requires dematerialization)

Randomized travel (Sends user's TARDIS to random Co-ords)

HADS mode (If TARDIS lands in ocean or on lava it instantly dematerializes)

Outside conditions panel (Let's the user see what is outside the TARDIS)

Abillity to set waypoints

Clear instructions on use of the Tardis Control Panels

Shields reimplimented

TT Capsule exterior

Wardrobe exterior

Grandfather Clock exterior

Piano exterior

Trash Bin exterior

Cardboard Box exterior



Omega boss mob

Rutan mob (with disguise abillity)

Ice Warrior mob (with sonic arm weapon)

Silurian classic and modern mobs

Sea Devil mob

Raston Warrior Robot mob (near impossible to destory, must banish with Chronodyne Generator)

Skovox Blitzer mob (near impossible to destroy, must banish with Chronodyne Generator)

Drashig mob

Axon (and Axon ship) mob

Osirian Mummy mob

Sutekh mob

Wirrin mob

Dalek (Temporal Weapons) mob

Weeping Angel with an upgraded AI (near impossible to destory, must banish with Chronodyne Generator)

more Cybermen variants

Silents reimplimented

Sontarans reimplimented

Zygons reimplimented with disguise abillity

Gell Guard reimplimented 

UNIT solider reimplimented with weapons (hostile mobs will target them)




Sonic screwdriver (with improved GUI and abillity to activate redstone objects from further away then currently, perform medical scans, disable redstone use)

Timey Whimey detector (to track weeping Angels)

Adipose Tracker (Tracks Adipose)

6th and 7th Doctor's Umbrellas (Looks cool)

Chronodyne Generator (Can be placed and given a timed detonation or thrown at mob, teleports mob to random co-ordinate or has 1/10 chance of killing it)

Atomic Shredder (Teleports user to their TARDIS interior)

Anti-Plastic (Can be thrown at Autons to kill them)

Anti-oil (Breaks Clockwork droids)

Ding machine (Detects Zygons and Rutans)

Defabricator (laser gun)

Auton Arm (laser gun)

Sontaran Swagger Stick (addes slowness effect to target)

Dalek Gunstick (Duh)

Glitter Gun (Kills Cybermen, uses gold as ammunition)

The Moment (tells user not to use it)

Christmas Bauble (Explodes when thrown)


Right then, I think that is everything, I would love to hear what you all think should be added to the mod, cheers! laughing

 Summed up my Needs, And modeled some of the wanted Mobs :D  (Omega)

With a lot of work with lots of features being added each week.

Love your ideas 9.Love em.I would suggest adding better animated regeneration and modeled 10th doc pillars.

Love your ideas 9.Love em.I would suggest adding better animated regeneration and modeled 10th doc pillars.

 Both features you mentioned are coming in a later update. The regeneration will be overhauled md will have a whole update dedicated to it. The 10th doctor Tardis pillars will be added with the modelled Tardis consoles I think.

FINALLY! Someone else who feels Drashigs would be great in the mod and also remembers that Zeiton 7 ore is from Varos!


My only critique though...


This is a list.


Really. For the most part, it's just a list of names and things (even though you did add a few details) that have appeared in the show Pre-Rose. 

Not saying that's a bad thing, but it could be better


I WOULD love some of the things you mentioned, but I'd also like to see how they could fit into the mod. I'd also like to see a bit of a reason why the features you mentioned should be in the mod, other than because they appeared in the show.


Sea Devils for example

The Dalek Mod doesn't really have many underwater enemies, so the sea devils can make up for that. They would spawn in and around underwater colonies that act like dungeons. These dungeons contain loot for the player if he or she can manage to deal with all the Sea Devils' Energy Blasters. This would create a dungeon in a pretty unique location and bring a bit of the Whoniverse (and its dangers) to the Waters of Minecraft and the player's experience.



 [Edit: I reread through your post a few more times. I'm noticing a few of the details a bit more, and I do like them]



Other Things and Details I would add:

  1. MONDAN Cyberman. Glitter guns affect MONDAN cyberman. They don't affect Lumic/Cybus.
  2. The Giant cave was for the Great One. The 8 Legs Lived in buildings
  3. Skaro
  4. Maybe Future Earth Daleks can have Robomen Servants (Depends on which future you're referring to)
  5. The Osiran Service Robots spawn around and inside the Osiran Pyramid and guard it.
  6. His name is just the Monk, not "the meddling monk". Just Like the Doctor isn't "Doctor Who"
  7. Unit
  8. The Whomobile can have a special mechanic of being able to go over the water as well as the land (it's a hovercraft), it has no fall damage (it kind of goes down slowly), and it has limited flight
  9.  This is just my opinion, but why not also mention the First Doctor's Ring? He was able to control the Zarbi with it after he stuck that metal control device on their necks. Hey, for that matter, maybe they can be tamed and ridden like horses with the control Device. The Zarbi were said to be like Farm Animals (the term used in show was cattle, but meh)
  10. Cybermen Variants
  11. You said Zarbi and the Animus, how about the Monoptera and the Optera? Love the description of the Terrain though
  12. The Vampire place should require special conditions to get to Imo. It WAS in E-Space after all. Great idea for the forest, but how about the castle/ship and village? Maybe some rebel outposts in the forest?
  13. Is the Wirrn randomly Spawning? That'd be cool if it is. The queen can be a boss even
  14. Detail: Trenzalore Varients can be alternate Time Zones
  15. The world select can be compressed. (Choose planet, then choose time era rather than having every time era for every planet listed)
  16. Death Zone- Would have the Tower of Rassilon. You would have a "guardian effect" with Rassilon's face appearing. You can not mine inside the tower (until certain requirements I'm thinking of are met). You can get loot there if you can manage to deal with the Cybermen, Daleks, Yeti, and what not. In addition, the tower has traps and puzzles. If you manage to get through the place, feel free to say it was"easy as pi." The loot there will be well worth the struggle. 
  17. Which Master?
  18. Robomen


These are just my opinions though  (minus the things factual to the show. The Cybus Cyberman being immune to the glitter gun for example), and opinions are what opinions are.

My only issue is the format. Frankly this could be better read if put in 3 or 4 threads. I'll be Honest I didn't know what half of the things were and skipped some due to it being a BIG list.

My only issue is the format. Frankly this could be better read if put in 3 or 4 threads. I'll be Honest I didn't know what half of the things were and skipped some due to it being a BIG list.

 To be honest, I nearly did the same thing when I first read it.



Suggestions Reccomended Checklist:



Recommended Format for suggestions:


My only issue is the format. Frankly this could be better read if put in 3 or 4 threads. I'll be Honest I didn't know what half of the things were and skipped some due to it being a BIG list.

 To be honest, I nearly did the same thing when I first read it.



Suggestions Reccomended Checklist:



Recommended Format for suggestions:


 Those posts make good posts to be pinned in their respective forum sections, that way more people can post easy to understand suggestions, bug reports, crash reports and banning reports.

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