an admin that is in the Doctors network as the sixth doctor is threatening to remove another network because its getting "too big" if he removes this then think of the reviews
he wants us to stop building.but we cant, because its in creative are supposed to create and share and show off.not threaten to destroy peoples creations and tardises. if he removes them all of the amazing creations just gone no fun,no tardis,no players on server,no votes or buyers. please help me convince the sixth doctor that creative mode is for making things bigger on the inside and out.thanks for reading this post i will answer all questions or at least try too. have a nice day.
I don't think that it should be removed or deleted how ever if it is a group of tardises invading on other people's space then it has to be dealt with but there is an alternative solution.
Standard tardises form in a line. At say Co-ords 500,000 70 12..... The next one would be 500,100 70 12 (Just making this up as an example)
Your network should be moved to 500,000 70, 10,000 So it is so far out away from other tardises it shouldn't matter how big it gets. (This also prevents against griefers)
this is a group of tardises but it is no where near anyone ive checked there is almost infinate space
its enderknights network, and its out of the way for the most part, six says it needs to go because "its bigger than the doctors network" and "takes up server memory". it doesn't have to do with the tardis spawn line with the other tardises from what he was saying yesterday of course.
i going to check coords
my tardis is close to that so that means we are super far away this guy has a problem though
if its bigger then that whats the point its creative mode we MUST BUILD AND CREATE!and besides if had wolrds with so much stuff in them and they didnt even lag
Oh and the network is on beta server so there wouldent really be any griefers anyway. Not to mention it's made by multiple members of the community anyway.
Just as long as the interior is contained and doesn't overlap other tardises or use other peoples tardises it is fine.
I agree with 1WTC. If it interferes with pre-existing tardises, burn it with fire. Otherwise It's not the admins job or problem. And using admin powers for such a purpose can be considered an abuse of admin powers.
I know it can be frustrating sometimes dealing with certain users, but staff members need to calm down before taking such a radical action. Issues like these need to be confirmed with a SWD Team member if a staff member is unsure. No offense Sixth, but I'll like to point out that these outbursts have happened a few times.
I agree, it can be hard dealing with some users and situations but if one calms down and analyses whether or not to take action, this issue could've been prevented. I know Sixth is a nice person and good staff member, but maybe he needs to consider asking for help from other staff before making an informed decision.
This is why you should be staff
Also what is considered overlapping into others tardis? My tardis isn't breaking into other tardis's but its almost touching the nearby interiors at some points
This is why you should be staff
Also what is considered overlapping into others tardis? My tardis isn't breaking into other tardis's but its almost touching the nearby interiors at some points
Hm...I think that shouldn't be a huge problem, unless you are planning to expand your interior. The staff members will need to confirm this with you.
And thanks! It depends if the other existing staff members believe I am suitable. :P
1WTC's point is the only one needed for this argument