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Legitgamer155 perm ban confusion

Minecraft username: Legitgamer155 

Why you were banned griefing

Ban duration: perm

What were you doing last on the server: exploring with my tardis and tools

Why you think you should be pardoned early i think I should be pardoned due to the fact that I was never talked to by any admin or staff along with the face I have had only one temp ban before hand even tho i am being told I have had “5” before (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):


and to help with any confusion progamer3012= legitgamer155 

Hello there I will be taking your appeal today. According to our records, which are very accurate, you do indeed have 5 bans. Also no you weren't talked to by staff as you weren't on the server at the time the grief was found, but that doesn't mean we can't ban you. Taking into account that this is also not your first ban for griefing I will be denying your appeal. Please reappeal in 2 weeks.

~Thetomsterman DMU Moderator

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