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[Ban appeal] [unresolved] Wchemik: Extreme grief [month]

Minecraft Username: Wchemik

Why you were banned: extreme grief 

Given Ban Length: four weeks (month)

What were you doing last on the server:  sorting my items in my tardis

Why you think you should be pardoned early: I have reposted this my previus thread about my ban as was responded to in a way that only confused me (https://swdteam.com/forum?p=thread&tid=7521) and afterwards locked as the ban mentions it I was banned for an Extreme grief of something originaly I though that it was my dump of moon rocks mistaken by one of the admins as a grief for more information about this please check my original thread but as I said after that I was notified by olly "Hello,

I’m sorry to say this, but your appeal has been denied. You broke 800+ blocks and that is more then enough for your ban. Your ban will end in 1 month and then you can come back on the server." wich as I said confused me greatly at this point I dont even what I got banned for yes I did break more then 800 blocks

actualy I broke more about 5,5k blocks of moon rocks probably around  800 dirt blocks from under the dump and around 500 blocks of cobble from a nearby revene and a small mine made for that purpuse.

also sorry if I got banned for something obvius and am just being stupid and wasting your time also please dont lock the thread so I can respond and so on on case the response isnt clear
thank you for your time and have a nice day

Your appeal was denied and it won't be getting accepted. What also adds to my point is you've said you broke around 5.5k blocks...
So, your ban stays and you will be unbanned in a month, please do not make another appeal.
~Olly {DMU Admin}

sorry if I am not understanding but none of those block were of any importence said 5.5k block were all underground in the moon and needed to be removed because I am working on a underground base unless its griefing to remove blocks that arent in a single base and be even noticeble even notice that said blocks arent there by looking over the terrain go check it out if you want its around 0 40 0 on the moon. also from what you are saying its starting to sound more and more to me like the griefing was mining on the moon to make space for the project (again completly underground) my point here with 5.5k moon rocks boiled down to 800 blocks of dirt wasnt that much and it wasnt even near a build what I will admit to is making an entrence to the moon project in one of those  0 0 cabins that are on the 0 0 in dimensions removing about 6 blocks and making a spiral staircase down out of vortis bricks without asking who made it and not realy thinking about it the ban made me consider all of these options and while this is the only time I actualy technicly griefed said six blocks were removed after all without permision from the owner and that was a mistake I made and didnt even think of but this was for completly something else as you keep talking about the number of block I broke that day wich unsuprisngly is quite high considering the fact I am building an underground base. look at this point am more curius what I got banned for then if I get unbanned as getting banned for removing dirt that would be obstructed anyway by the dump 

also sorry for making another apeal but I need add onto what I said earlyer and for potentionly being pretensius and annoying but this is the weirdest thing that happended to me in a long time I honestly dont know what I got banned for even if your provided that information it would probalby be enaugh closeure for me and I would just move onto the next server but if you are going to do that say more then you broke blocks as no block I broke that day could be considered griefing, dirt that would otherwise be burried under a mount of moon rocks, cobble from a small mine or moon rocks from a big base project only three days old and the only time I performed an action that cloud be considered a grief was the previusly mention modifiedment of the 0 0 hut and thats it if you are going to tell me the reason say something more on the level of you broke this wich was near this base and as such you got banned not you broke 800 blocks.

again thanks for your time and sorry if am wasting it with an obvius ban reason and have a nice day.

jezus that was longer then I though I should have remade it but smaller

ok simple version:

  • all block that I broke werent near a base and as such the action of mining dirt, cobble or moon rocks cant be considered griefing.
  • all block I placed werent near a base and as such the action of placing tardis steel war toyota roof grey concrete and moon rocks cant be consider griefing.
  • the one time I did technicly grief (while not realising it) was removing 6 blocks at the 0 0 moon hut
  • you'r response of you broke 800 blocks confused me as none of said blocks were near or in a base/town

at this point I mainly just want to know WHY i got banned but not you broke blocks or some stuff like that more like you  broke this wich was here and is consired griefing because this not you broke more then 800 blocks
again thanks for your time and sorry if am wasting it with an obvius ban reason and have a nice day.

 edit: I put a double negative in without realising it 

Look, from the evidence we have, you broke the floor in someones house and began to make a spiral staircase going down under their house.
With all the blocks counted it was roughly 800+,
As I have said many times, you appeal is denied and still is.
(I will be locking this one)
~Olly {DMU Admin}

This thread has been locked.