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Been banned

Hi there,


just wondering why have I been banned for? The last thing I was doing was building my TARDIS and killing mobs? Could you explain please


 - CaffinatedChap

1, Please use the ban appeal format.
2, Could you please provide more info on what happened?
~Dezzy {Holiday Staff}

Minecraft username: CaffeniatedChap

Why you were banned: Grifing 

Ban duration:  till the 4/5/2020

What were you doing last on the server: mining in the messa bio for blocks then back and forth adding them into my TARDIS.

Why you think you should be pardoned early: As I have, in my eyes, done nothing wrong. I was mining blocks, which the game is based around. 

Hi Chap,


You should have been given a 48h ban, however you were given a 24h ban probably by mistake.

Seeing as this was your first ban, i will not be adding the extra 24hrs but you will have to wait until your current ban is over.


Appeal Denied


-Delfox10 (Admin)



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