A LOT of this is WIP at the moment, so I'll only focus on the "Player companions" mechanics at the moment
Feature 1: "Tardis Team" Party system mechanic
As seen in: Most Doctor Who Episodes
What is the "Tardis Team": The "Tardis Team" is a term used to refer to the current Doctor and who he is traveling with during a specified time frame. For instance, the Tardis Team of Moonbase included the Second Doctor, Ben, Polly, and Jamie. The War Games Tardis Team was comprised of the Second Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe.
What makes the "Tardis Team" Different from Companions?: Companions are always companions, but the Tardis Team is always changing. It usually consists of 2-3 members, but has amounted to 4 a few times
Command: /tardisTeam <add/remove/clear>
Aesthetics: Your Tardis team's Members will show up in a kind of "Party status GUI" on the upper right hand corner of your screen as you play.
Behavior of Mechanic in Boss fights:
Limits on Tardis Teams:
To be added later:
Details have been added regarding Tardis Teams in boss fights.
I plan on working out some mechanics regarding companion NPCS (like the ones suggested in this thread).
Likely this will include Tardis Bedrooms, player built houses, and maybe some respawn mechanics for some companions