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Rykursar Ban Appeal

Minecraft username: RykursarYT

Why you were banned: Wurst

Ban duration: Perm

What were you doing last on the server: Mining stone and collecting wood, logged off because I remembered I had some client side immersion mods, but I added Wurst as well, then I tried to reconnect. Got banned before I could log back in.

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): It only happened once, but I will never log into DMU servers with cheats again. I don't believe in ruining the experience for other players.

Hello. I am Joe and I will be taking your appeal today.


You logged on to the server with a hacked client, which you should know is not allowed as you said you were playing before you were banned with it. As you clearly read the rules, you knew this would get you banned, therefore I will not be accepting your appeal. You may reappeal in 2 weeks.


- Joe

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