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[Dmu Ban Appeal] Burgerlord317: Extreme Grief [28 Days]


Extreme Grief

28 Days

Building a space ship above SWD City.

The reason I think I should be aloud back onto the server is because I had no clue that building in open airspace would count as grief, looking back on it I can see why it would considered a grief as it would cast a shadow over any builds under it, I also sorry if it was written on a sign somewhere as I have a tendency to not read signs even though I should, I promise that I have learned my lesson and will not only not due it again but read all signs so it will not happen again. I know that this will probably not work but I really want to play on the server again because I have put a lot of work into it and would hate not to active for about a month.  For explanation Why I was building a space ship it was supposed to be a guardian ship to watch out for any attacking forces  this was after what I would call a dalek raid where a bunch daleks spawned in the city for what I can say was about twenty minutes after which I decided that we need some kind lookout in case something like that happened again so one last time I am deeply sorry for this offense and hope to be unbanned soon and remember to have a nice day. ????

Hello there! I will be taking your appeal today. It isn't the fact that you built something in the air that is the issue. You built it, illegally, in a town that you had no permission to do so. I will be denying your appeal for today. You may rejoin the server when the 28 days have passed. 
~Thetomsterman DMU Moderator


Hi Burgerlord. The SWDTeam took a look and saw you had no malicious intent in building that.
Therefor we're unbanning you. Maybe check next time if people want you to build in their towns, the opinion varies and I think it's usually noted at the town spawn/warp.

This thread has been locked.