Minecraft username: Embassy_
Why you were banned: for despicably accusing someone of being racist and being rude to staff and faking screenshots of BrettthekidR being a racist.
Ban duration: Permanently on DMU and also on Discord Permanent
What were you doing last on the server: Being rude to staff and then carried out the horrible acts against BrettthekidR
Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):
It has been about 7 months since the incident of me faking screenshots against BrettthekidR. I was aggravated for some minor things he had said and did and unfortunately, it made me snap. I was way over my head and my actions were disgusting and out of order. I should not have let my emotions take over me and say those things and potentially ruin Brett's reputation. I did not look at the further outcome of my actions. What I did was inexcusable and I take full responsibility for what I did and I severely apologize. I now realized that if someone had seen my screenshots were true (which were fully fake and I admit it) it could have changed one's perspective on Brett and also that it could have got him banned also which now I again realize was wrong.
My second action out of order was being very rude to staff such as JoeJoe, Olly, and also Didgeridooman as well as lying to ThatRhynoGuy about Brett again I am truly sorry for that also. I should have treated staff like anyone else I would and I should have treated every single person with kind words and respect and not what I did and had represented myself with.
I believe I deserve one last chance because in these 7 months I believe I have grown and overcome what I did in the past and I no longer want what I did then to represent me anymore and want another chance to redeem myself and make a new set of actions to define me in a better way.
I finally want to formally apologize to everyone I have hurt and am concluding this appeal.
Please and Thank You and I hope for a chance of redemption.
It has not been a month since your last appeal. Please wait until that time has passed before you appeal again
Has it not?
I thought it was on the 3rd of May when I had made my first response?
If I am wrong can you tell me when the month is up and the date I can reply again or can you just give me a proper response for my appeal on the date of the re appeal.
Please and Thank You
Not staff, but I looked at they said to re-appeal on the appeal you posted on May 6th, meaning you can re-appeal on June 6th, in a few days time.
My appeal was posted on the 5th if I am correct so I am due a response tomorrow?
If not tomorrow then it is the 6th as you said but I am pretty sure it was the fifth but either way, I hope i get another chance to redefine myself and not to have my poor previous actions be my downfall.
I look forward to hearing a response soon. :)
Hey, just wondering that it has been definitely without a doubt a month since my last ban appeal. I was just wondering when my case be looked through.
I understand that the staff have lives and there are many current circumstances and there are many things in the way of your lives but I just want to get back to this server as quickly as possible hopefully return to the server.