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[DMU Ban Appeal]YourBoyGodly & Willyhame96:Attempting Hoppering


 Minecraft username:YourBoyGodly & Willyhame96

Why you were banned:attempted hoppering

Ban duration: 1 week

What were you doing last on the server:in my tardis and my brother was in a house

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): were both really sorry we can’t bear not to play it we’ve both quite new ourselves my brother only got he’s laptop about 4 days ago we’re really both sorry I know I shouldn’t have told him about hoppering and I shouldn’t have let him do it, and I have talked to him a lot about it and he swears he won’t do it again please give us one more chance .we both need this I got back to hospital next week and won’t get chance to play when there please please give me and him another chance . Even if its just him unban him i know i should be taking care of him whilst playing

thank you for reading 

Do people respond to these ? Or does it take a couple days ? 

Sorry, but your appeal is denied. Hoppering is a 1 month ban, so be happy you got of easy.

Stealing from others ruins their experience on the server, so we have a very low tolerance for it.

This thread has been locked.