i dont no if you all no but yesterday reddash made a video on his channel where he said how ikingssgc have been bullying him and the rest of the swd team.
he put a link in the video with lots of images of things they did
reddash uploaded a vdeo to youtube. he was very upset in the video telling people what happend and then emir commented in the comments on teh video making fun of reddash for crying in the video. emir is also part of the doctor who client mod team and this is him making fun of reddash
i saw that reddash said on twwitter that it was all sorted but none of the other member of the team said anyting about it which makes me think that its not all ok
also reddash posted this on his website
-----Disregard this comment please. Consider me 95% neutral in what is going on.-----
im not going to delet it unless 1wtc tells me to.
swd posted about this on their twitter yeesterday so they have shared the information
This has been dealt with, reddash has spoken to IKing on twitter and skype and they have ressolved issues
so just leave it at that :)
This has been dealt with, reddash has spoken to IKing on twitter and skype and they have ressolved issues
so just leave it at that :)
i no that
i said it in my post at the bottom:
"i saw that reddash said on twwitter that it was all sorted but none of the other member of the team said anyting about it which makes me think that its not all ok"
the rest of the team havent said anything only reddash has said its sorted so it might not be sorted for everyone else
None of the other team member were involved
All i'm saying was John was the only one who spoke up about stuff...
That "Incident" last year had an impact on us all. It was handled in a poor way. They claimed they could not contact us first to see what was going on which was a total load of rubbish, considering they were happy to talk with us on skype just after they had posted everything. He could have contacted us via email, SWDTeam site, Minecraft Forums, Planet Minecraft, Skype, Facebook, twitter etc, there were plenty of ways to contact us. But he claimed that he couldn't, or it would just go ignored.
Had he have actually contacted us first everything could have been sorted and all the drama could have been avoided. The fact that he still persists on keeping that video / thread up to "Punish John" is a load of rubbish. If he really sorted things out with John yesterday he would take it down. Or does he find some fun in keeping it up because he knows that we still get attacked by people over it?
I'm really fed up with this. They are the reason the team fell apart the other week. Not "Money" as they claims. They are one of the reasons Sam left. They are the reason we cannot seem to bring a female member to the team without being threatened for it. It is pathetic.
(Doesn't say SWD in it, but it is clearly aimed at us, you can also clearly see how he called us "Vile" and "Disgusting" which are just two of the wide range of things he's called us / people we're associated with.)
Honestly, I don't want to get involved in the matter, and I consider myself neutral, but I get the feeling there should be a talk, if both parties are willing, to clear things up.
Of course, it's just my opinion on the matter
There are always talks, they never seem to do anything, we were on good terms after the incident last year yet things continued to happen.
Such as spying, harassment, spreading rumours etc
Ah this is bigger than I thought, ignore what I previously said they still sound like assholes
Deleted this comment.
Just ignore this
I don't want to get involved any more with this, I said it was sorted because originally the ordeal was about me and my girlfriend and I clarified a bunch of stuff, with a lot of people, I don't really know what else to say.
This has been giving me nothing but stress, anxiety attacks and pain. I've cut my fricking hand open, I've slammed myself against walls. I don't blame anyone for it other than myself, but drama causes me a lot of stress and a lot of pain. Which is why I never speak up about anything I am upset by. Yesterday I was happy it was resolved if the rest of the team feel there are other things that need to be said or done in relation to the IKingsSGC fair enough. But I don't want to be involved, for the sake of my own health.
I hope everyone can understand, I'm not sure how much more I can take, perhaps being too public on the internet is too much for me in general, who knows?.
I have a test for a new job on Thursday at a school, I need to get my sleep schedule and my health back on track or I might mess it up.