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Your opinions on my Regeneration

So, you know how when The Doctor regenerates, often their whole theme changes. Sonic, TARDIS, personality, etc. But some things are just the same?

Like, their always THE Doctor, regardless of who plays them. 

Like when Matt Smith regenerated into Peter Capaldi. his TARDIS and sonic remained pretty much the same for a long time, but there was subtle little differences


Im planning a big regeneration for my MC character this Christmas, keeping him the same Character, but different characteristics, and I'd like some opionons on my new regen skin, sonic choice and TARDIS design.


Here is my current Timelord. His sonic, aesthetics and his TARDIS


And heres my idea for my new 2021 regeneration,


As you can see, Im going  for a similar feel with both my regeneration. Like, with keeping the console of the TARDIS very similar, but making a bigger change to actual control room. Im also keeping their clothing very similar. with the idea that my current incarnation's tie, top hat and coat were burnt off in the regeneration

Change of plan, This will be my New TARDIS


Very similar to my last plan, but with slight changes :)

if you put the time rotor in the console 1 block, you can put the brakatchi rotor on top of it, and it looks cool when you take off.

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