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So, when i was just playing around...

Then i found out Darlekahn was bridging to a TARDIS

It was custom TARDIS, of course you want coords: 399967 73 77 (in TARDIS world)

It may be happened that the bridger removed it.

I cant find the screenshot with the proof sorry :3


 By 'Playing around' do you mean you were  coincidentally in the Tardis next to the one he was bridging or were you spying on him in gm 3? Although this could be true, there is also no proof that he actually did it - no screen shots and apparently the evidence was removed. Not sure about this, but I think there's very little staff can do about this.

That is true, although the staff can maybe check the block logs. Problem is, these events happen all the time, there's no way to stop it. John was looking into the issue, but the coding will take time.

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