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[DMU Ban appeal] EssentiallyFalse: X-Ray is not allowed [4 weeks]

Minecraft username: EssentiallyFalse

Why I was banned: "X-Ray is not allowed"

Ban duration: 4 weeks (01/09)

What I was doing last on the server: Trying to join it.

Why I think I should be pardoned early: I had an X-Ray mod downloaded on forge, I knew that watchdog would detect X-Ray mods, and I wasn't joining the server with that intention. Basically what happened was I was on another world in singleplayer to try to figure out what layer copper can spawn, which is why I had the X-Ray installed, as spectator doesn't let you see ores. I would have exited Minecraft and uninstalled the XRay like I was supposed to, but I didn't because my brain size is just incredibly large. My last position was right outside my TARDIS, which was in a cave next to a stripmine. This was the exact same cave that was on Mars at those exact coordinates which is where I found Lonsdaleite, so I was trying to see if there would be something in the overworld. You can check out my tunnels, there shouldn't be anything suspicious, besides, I was auto-banned by watchdog upon join so I couldn't have XRayed. Also, if I wanted to XRay in the overworld I could have downloaded one of those resource packs that make things transparent. I only needed the XRay mod to look for the Y level copper spawns, because copper isn't a vanilla item. Essentially, this was an accident, and the bot automatically banned me because I had a mod that wasn't allowed. So, logically, I couldn't have been joining the server with the intention of XRaying, because I knew the bot would ban me, and if I actually wanted to XRay, I would just download a resource pack. Also, I couldn't have obtained anything using XRay, because, again, I was banned on joining.


Anyways because this was a mistake I made not uninstalling the XRay mod, the ban should be entirely removed.

Hey EssentiallyFalse,

After some consideration, I've decided to deny your ban appeal for X-Raying. I just don't see how you can realistically have relaunched Minecraft and gone into singleplayer to check for ore levels and then proceed to come back on the server in the space of 2 minutes after you left the server.  You can reappeal in 2 weeks but if you have anything else to say, I'd just DM a staff member about it instead of waiting that long.


- HRSM [DMU Moderator]

(btw copper spawns at any level stone can)


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