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Unban Request

Username: AspergersKid

Reason For Ban: Multiple Occurrences of griefing.

Ban Duration: Permanent.

What you were last doing on the server? : I was checking out Ambient City 2 ( May be different that's that last thing I remember doing, as it was 2 years ago.)

Why do you think you should be pardoned early? : As I was just a stupid 13 year old pushing his limits with what he thought he could do. I'm a lot more mature than 2019 me, and I hope you'll let me show you by unbanning me as this is one of, if not my favourite server that I have played.


you need to use the format 

 I have redone it with the format.


Hi! I will be taking your appeal today,

I've looked through your history as well as your previous appeals.

While if this was recent, I would have kept you banned,
but it has been since October of 2019.

I will be unbanning you but this will be your LAST CHANCE;
I would advise not to mess it up.

Also wanting to mention on your first appeal,  we actually can't ban you without any proof.
For your previous bans I would also like to mention,

since you didn't seem to get the picture, if a build is abandoned that does not mean you can grief it. Period.

- Bug1312 { DMU Admin }

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